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Client and Prospect Database

All of your clients. All of your prospects. All at your fingertips. Update their info, send them into the Cycle, send email blasts, view their complete history - including every sale, every meeting, every note you've ever recorded on them - and just like that... you're organized.

Clients & Prospects

Clients Prospects

The first thing you'll notice are two lists of companies. On the left are your clients. They are the loyal ones who have done business with you in the past. On the right are your prospects. They haven't yet purchased from you, but your goal is to turn them into clients. The Database makes it easy for you to manage and stay on top of all these relationships.

Managing Relationships

Staying in touch is critical, so each of your clients and prospects should either be in the Cycle, or scheduled to be at a future date. Our built-in coaching will keep you on track. You'll see a bright green checkmark if they're currently in the Cycle, or the date they are scheduled to move into the Cycle. If you don't see either a checkmark or a date, you should send them to the Cycle immediately to stay in touch and make the most of your opportunites.

In Cycle Scheduled to be In Cycle You're Missing an Opportunity

Staying in Touch

Make Selections Make Selections Make Selections Make Selections Make Selections Make Selections

The Database allows you to select multiple clients and prospects and then take action, such as sending them to the Cycle, or sending them an email blast! It's never been easier to stay in touch!

Send to Cycle Email Blast